Pacific Madrone, Arbutus menziesii

Pacific Madrone                             TheHeath Family– Ericaceae  Arbutus menziesii Pursh.                   (ar-BYOO-tus   men-ZEE-zee-eye) Names: The Pacific Madrone is the only common broadleaved evergreen tree in our region.  It is known by many names.  In the northwest it is more familiarly called Madrona, whereas in California it is more often called Madrone or sometimes Coast Madrono (Madrono is […]

Common Name Index

If you can’t find what you want in this list try a search! Alaska Yellow Cedar or Cypress Alaskan Blueberry Alder, Red, Sitka, Mountain American Cranberrybush American Red Raspberry Arbutus Ash, Oregon Aspen: Quaking or Trembling Azalea: Cascade or White-flowered, Mock, Western Baldhip Rose Beaked Hazelnut Bilberry: Dwarf Birch, Paper Big-Leaf Maple Blackcap Raspberry Bitter […]