To find a source for native plants check out the source lists at:
The Washington Native Plant Society
The Native Plant Society of Oregon
The Native Plant Society of British Columbia— Plant List
—The author, Dana Kelley Bressette works at Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery in Gig Harbor Washington, which has one of the largest selections of native plants for retail sale in the Puget Sound Region.
Plant Selection Guides for Special Goals or Situations/habitats.
Click on title for a PDF file!
Outstanding Northwest Native Landscape Plants
Some of the best native plants for landscapes: Trees, Shrubs, Ferns, Groundcovers, Perennials, Bulbs! —A good list for beginners!
Native Flowers for Attracting Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds prefer tubular flowers with red, orange, or pink flowers!
Native Flowers for Attracting Butterflies
Butterflies and moths prefer yellow or orange, scented, tubular flowers in closely packed clusters of flowers and places to land and rest while they sip the nectar!
Native Plants for Bees Native Plants for Bees and other Pollinating insects
Bees prefer scented flowers, often with color guides that lead them into flowers that require them to enter to obtain pollen & nectar. Flowers are often yellow, blue, violet (and ultraviolet), and irregularly-shaped.
There are many native species that produce delicious berries that people go out of their way to collect!
It is important to note that the species listed are deer resistant not deer-proof. Deer are likely to sample anything as they move through your yard.
Flowering & Fruiting times of Native Trees & Shrubs, A Color Guide
This guide will help you to design your landscape to have flowers and/or colorful berries nearly year-round for both you and your wild neighbors to enjoy!
Flowering & Fruiting times of Native Groundcovers & Perennials, A Color Guide
This guide will help you to plan your wildflower garden to have flowers throughout many months…The hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and other nearly inconspicuous pollinators will appreciate your efforts!
Native Plants for Rain Gardens
An easy guide to take with you when you are selecting plants for your Rain Garden. It will tell in which zone they will grow, their sun or shade requirements and how tall they might grow.
Native Plants for Erosion Control
Diversify and use plants with varying root structures to help keep your slope intact! Some with deep roots, some with shallower fibrous roots, some that sucker and spread by rhizomes or runners. Some plants may even reseed themselves freely! You can also check out my article on the Westside Home & Garden Blog: Best Native Plants for Protecting Your Hillside from Erosion.

A handy guide to Native Plants that can be used as groundcovers. It includes Sun & moisture requirements, the method of spread and whether evergreen or deciduous.
Plants that grow in Association with Oak Prairies

For folks who want to recreate an Oak Prairie habitat. This guide gleans information from scholarly sources on plants that grow in association with Oaks (Excluding non-native invasive species.)